The business world's No-Go Days!

linkJapan (Chugoku) : public and bank holidays, closure of banks, stock exchanges, school vacations

Japan (Chugoku) : complete schedule of public and bank holidays, closure of banks and stock exchanges, school vacations, trade fairs, cultural and sporting events, festivals, carnivals, election during the next 3 months

  • Currency: Yen (JPY)
  • インターネット拡張子 - 電話コード: +81 - 国際ダイヤルコード: 001 - GMT オフセット: +9 - (ダイライトセービング時間:いいえ)
  • IF YOU NEED TRANSLATION INTO THIS COUNTRY's LANGUAGE(S): Japanese (125 million speakers) ...
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  • DateNameKindMore
    Wednesday december 25, 2024Winter holiday (beginning)School holidays
    view more
    Monday december 30, 2024Civil Servants holidaySecular holiday
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    Tuesday december 31, 2024Banks are closedBanks only
    view more
    Wednesday january 1, 2025New Year's DaySecular holiday
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    Thursday january 2, 2025Banks are closedBanks only
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    Friday january 3, 2025Banks are closedBanks only
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    Monday january 13, 2025Winter holiday (end)School holidays
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    Monday january 13, 2025Coming of Age Day (Seijin no hi)Secular holiday
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    Tuesday february 11, 2025Founding of the Nation Day (Kenkoku kinen no hi)National Day
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    Sunday february 23, 2025Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi)Secular holiday
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    Monday february 24, 2025Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi)Secular holiday
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    Saturday march 1, 2025Spring holiday (beginning)School holidays
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    Thursday march 20, 2025Start of Spring - Vernal Equinox (Shumbun no hi )Shinto
    view more

    Winter holiday (beginning)

    Wednesday december 25, 2024
    School holidays :

    Civil Servants holiday

    Monday december 30, 2024
    Secular holiday :

    Banks are closed

    Tuesday december 31, 2024
    Banks only :

    New Year's Day

    Wednesday january 1, 2025
    Secular holiday : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Banks are closed

    Thursday january 2, 2025
    Banks only :

    Banks are closed

    Friday january 3, 2025
    Banks only :

    Winter holiday (end)

    Monday january 13, 2025
    School holidays : Https://
    applies to Tottori, Shimane, Matsue, Saitama, Okayama, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Kumamoto
    Since 2018 local education boards are allowed to set summer holidays at different times of the year
    Many schools open on Saturday
    School day starts at 08:30
    international schools have specific calendars
    Uniforms are required, and there are extensive rules for hair styles (no poney tails for girls), shoes, socks, skirt length, make-up, accessories, and more
    School day duration: 6:30 hours

    We carry confirmed dates till Oct 2024

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions;
    please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Japanese schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.

    Coming of Age Day (Seijin no hi)

    Monday january 13, 2025
    Secular holiday : Celebrates the age of majority (20)

    Founding of the Nation Day (Kenkoku kinen no hi)

    Tuesday february 11, 2025
    Secular holiday : A national holiday that commemorates Japan's founding by the first emperor in 660 BC. This holiday was originally established as Empire Day in 1872, discontinued after World War II, then revived in its present form in 1966. Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi)

    Sunday february 23, 2025
    Secular holiday : In tribute to Emperor Akihito (born in 1933) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Emperor's Birthday (Tenno Tanjobi)

    Monday february 24, 2025
    Secular holiday : In tribute to Emperor Akihito (born in 1933) Not a paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Spring holiday (beginning)

    Saturday march 1, 2025
    School holidays :

    Start of Spring - Vernal Equinox (Shumbun no hi )

    Thursday march 20, 2025
    Shinto : Shinto celebration of the change of seasons with the coming of spring with shouts of Devils out, Good Fortune in . Bean throwing protects against demons.